FaceTime cover image


  • Client: Events Industry Alliance
  • Year: 2015
  • Role: UI design

Experience the power of face-to-face marketing

FaceTime, an initiative primarily funded by AEO, was founded in early 2010 to provide expertise and guidance for marketers and businesses, explaining why and how face-to-face marketing works and how to get the very best out of it.

Conceptual design that never saw the light of day

Part of a proposal submitted to a client, this concept never went past the intial design stage.

This was at a time when big hero sections, large typography and sidebar menus were not very common amongst exhibition and event websites.

This is my oldest work on display from the projects page.

Note: This design contains stock photography images, some of which may have been used in other projects of mine.

Brand colours

  • 9ac00b (Cornflower Blue)
  • 00a8e1 (Pistachio)


  • Header: Brandon Grotesque
  • Body: Brandon Grotesque and Museo Slab


FaceTime homepage design



Main call to actions

Main call to actions

Contact info + footer

Contact info + footer